I den smukke middelalderby Nisa (7.400 indbyggere) i Alentejo regionen i Portugal er det lykkedes borgere og en borgmester Gabriela Tsukamoto at bremse et uranmineprojekt, kun 12 km fra byen. Borgerne organiserede sig sammen med repræsentanter for det lokale erhvervsliv i en bevægelse mod uran, MUNN.
I 2001 stoppede Portugal med uranudvinding, men da priserne på uran steg mellem 2000 og 2003 blev internationale selskaber interesserede i at genoptage udvindingen. Man vurderede, at uran-reserverne ved Nisa var mere end 43 mio euro værd. Mineselskaber stillede sig i kø for at få licens, men borgerne i Nisa sagde nej, inden den portugisiske regering nåede at reagere. (1) For tiden står projektet stille. (23)
der har vundet flere internationale priser
"At udvinde radioaktivt uran er ikke foreneligt med produktion af certificerede fødevarer af høj kvalitet eller med områdets wellness- og kulturelle turistattraktioner," sagde Nisas borgmester i 2008, Gabriela Tsukamoto. (2)
Borgmesteren havde gode argumenter mod minen, som hun fremførte roligt i debatter med "clean energy" eksperter og i skoler sammen med medlemmer af MUNN. Hun opfordrede tidligere uranminearbejdere, der er blevet syge, til at fortælle om det.
Først foregav de potentielle mineselskaber medfølelse overfor borgerne i Nisa. Uran i jorden er en sundhedsfare, sagde de. Det skal tages ud for at beskytte mennesker. Den form for hykleri havde virket før, bl.a. med oprindelige folk i den canadiske provins Saskatchewan. Men da minelobbyen indså, at de lokale i Nisa ikke sådan var til at narre, forsøgte man at bestikke dem med job og penge.
"Vi kæmper mod millioner af euro og imod millioner af tons tailings," sagde borgerne if. denne artikel. (2) "Først og fremmest kæmper vi for en fremtid, der er fri for stråling".
Dangers from Uranium Ore Milling
Nisa og UNESCO's Global Geoparks Network
Siden 2006 har Nisa været sammen med Southern Meseta Naturtejo Geopark, der er medlem af Global Geoparks Network udviklet under UNESCO.
Nisa har et stort potentiale for innovativ geoturisme, skriver forfatteren til en peer-reviewed (24) artikel 2014: "Tourism in the Naturtejo Geopark, Under the Auspices of UNESCO, as Sustainable Alternative to the Mining of Uranium at Nisa (Portugal)": "The wide diversity of tourism resources should be developed to deliver experience-based thematic tourism routes to support the increase in lodging, restaurants and active tourism enterprises in the region." (3)
Nisa er omgivet af rige muligheder for vandre- og cykelture. Den tidligere borgmester Tsukamoto advarede om, at de negative påvirkninger fra en uranmine vil række ud over byen. Uranudvinding skaber radioaktivt støv, der med vinden føres et godt stykke væk fra området, og forureningen af grundvandet kan forurene Tajo-floden.
Der findes 3 olivenolier i området, der er kvalitetsmærkede: Azeite de Moura, Azeites do Norte Alentejano og Azeite do Alentejo Interior'
Portugals radioaktive arv
De 4.000 tons uran, der er blevet udvundet i Portugals tidligere uranminer, har efterladt 7,8 millioner kubikmeter slagger. Dynger af affald, der indeholder uran, radium og deres nedbrydningsprodukter, radioaktive miner og stenbrud, damme med spildevand og tailings, altsammen udgør det en fare for vandressourcer og folkesundhed, forklarer Cláudia Derboven Sequeira. (1)
Tidligere ansatte, der arbejdede på Portugals største uranmine i Urgeiriça nær Viseu, har kæmpet for at få ordentlig erstatning for virkningerne på deres helbred. Arbejdsvilkårene i minerne var skandaløse, især i de første årtier. 115 af omkring 500 minearbejdere er allerede døde af kræft, siger António Minhoto, der selv var ansat på Urgeiriça og nu leder miljøgruppen, Associação Ambiente em Zonas Uraníferas (Azu). (1)
Uranminen Urgueriça åbnede i 1922 og lukkede i 80erne. Minen var 600 meter dyb. Bl.a. Marie Curie besøgte Urgueiriça for at få radium til sin forskning.
T.o. er man begyndt en oprydning og genopretning af uranminer efter miljøskaderne.(15)
11.2.16 skrev Jornal de Notícias, at det portugisiske parlament enstemmigt havde vedtaget, at enker og børn efter uranminearbejdere, der er døde af kræft som følge af radioaktivitet, vil få udbetalt erstatning. 50.000 euros til de familier, hvor manden døde i en alder ml. 45 og 55 af lunge-, knogle- eller lymfekræft. 40.000 euros til dem, der kan bevise, at deres ægtefælle eller forælder døde i en alder ml. 56 og 65, af samme grunde, og 30.000 euros i tilfælde, hvor den afdøde var over 65 år.
T.o. er man begyndt en oprydning og genopretning af uranminer efter miljøskaderne.(15)
Erstatning til kræftramte uranminearbejderes efterladte
11.2.16 skrev Jornal de Notícias, at det portugisiske parlament enstemmigt havde vedtaget, at enker og børn efter uranminearbejdere, der er døde af kræft som følge af radioaktivitet, vil få udbetalt erstatning. 50.000 euros til de familier, hvor manden døde i en alder ml. 45 og 55 af lunge-, knogle- eller lymfekræft. 40.000 euros til dem, der kan bevise, at deres ægtefælle eller forælder døde i en alder ml. 56 og 65, af samme grunde, og 30.000 euros i tilfælde, hvor den afdøde var over 65 år.
Skrevet af Anne
1. No Uranium mining in Alentejo af Norbert Suchanek (tysk journalist der startede Uranium Film Festivalen
2. The Nuclear Free Future Reward Gabriela Tsukamoto und MUNN Sept. 2012
- NOTA de imprensa Camera No 32 25.6.12
- MUNN distinguido com premio internacional
3. Tourism in the Naturtejo Geopark, under the Auspices of UNESCO, as Sustainable Alternative to the Mining of Uranium at Nisa (Portugal) ☆
5. Efficacy of hair analysis for monitoring exposure to uranium: a mini-review. 2014
6. Uranium ressources in Portugal UNECE 2012
7. Portugal Uranium Mining Nuclear Heritage
11. Nisa Uranium Mining Project Wise-Uranium
14. Visit Alentejo
16. Environmental Radioactivity Assessment Around Old Uranium Mining Sites Near Mangualde (Viseu), Portugal 2007
17. Fra Wise-Uranium:
The compensation will be 50,000 Euros for the families of those who died between the age of 45 and 55, due to malignancies, including lung, bone and lymph/hematopoietic system. 40,000 Euros will receive who can prove that the spouse or parent died between the age of 56 and 65, for the same reasons, and 30,000 Euros in cases in which the victims were over 65 years. Parliament unanimously approved this Friday (Feb. 12).
According to the socialist deputy James Barbosa Ribeiro, it is estimated that in 70 cases workers were victimized by the effects of contact with that very mineral used in the defense industry and the nuclear power plants. (Jornal de Notícias Feb. 12, 2016)
18. Reportagem RTP Minas da Urgeiriça 2007
12. Uranium mining not in NISA 2012 FILM
13. Environmental remediation and radioactivity monitoring of uranium mining legacy in Portugal 2009 IAEA14. Visit Alentejo
17. Fra Wise-Uranium:
Families of Portuguese uranium miners who died from occupational cancers finally to receive compensation
Widows and children of uranium miners, who died from cancers caused by radioactivity, will be compensated by the state, almost 15 years after the closure of the National Uranium Company.The compensation will be 50,000 Euros for the families of those who died between the age of 45 and 55, due to malignancies, including lung, bone and lymph/hematopoietic system. 40,000 Euros will receive who can prove that the spouse or parent died between the age of 56 and 65, for the same reasons, and 30,000 Euros in cases in which the victims were over 65 years. Parliament unanimously approved this Friday (Feb. 12).
According to the socialist deputy James Barbosa Ribeiro, it is estimated that in 70 cases workers were victimized by the effects of contact with that very mineral used in the defense industry and the nuclear power plants. (Jornal de Notícias Feb. 12, 2016)
Former Urgeiriça uranium miners again asking for compensation
About 70 miners from the former uranium mines at Urgeiriça this Saturday (May 17) held a vigil in front of the official residence of the Prime Minister again demanding compensation for the families of those who died from occupational diseases. (Jornal de Notícias May 17, 2014)Significant DNA damage found in residents living near an abandoned uranium mining site (Portugal)
"Significant DNA damage was observed in the peripheral blood samples from volunteers living in the Cunha Baixa village. A significant decrease of NK and T lymphocytes counts were observed in the individuals from the Cunha Baixa village, when compared with individuals from the reference site. Uranium and manganese levels were significantly higher in the Cunha Baixa village inhabitants. On the other hand, zinc levels were significantly lower in those individuals when compared with the volunteers from the control village. Results suggest that inhabitants from Cunha Baixa have a higher risk of suffering from serious diseases such as cancer, since high DNA damages were observed in peripheral blood leukocytes and also decreased levels of NK and T cells, which play an essential role in the defense against tumor growth."Biomonitoring a human population inhabiting nearby a deactivated uranium mine, by Lourenco J, Pereira R, Pinto F, et al, in: Toxicology, aheadofprint, Jan. 28, 2013
Serious DNA damage found in mice living in the surroundings of an abandoned uranium mining site (Portugal)
"Genotoxic effects caused by the exposure to wastes containing metals and radionuclides were investigated in the European wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus). The animals were captured in the surroundings of an abandoned uranium mining site. [...]Metal bioaccumulation, genotoxicity and gene expression in the European wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) inhabiting an abandoned uranium mining area, by Lourenco J, Pereira R, Goncalves F, et al, in: The Science of the Total Environment, a head of print, Dec. 6, 2012
Results confirmed the bioaccumulation of cadmium and uranium in organisms exposed to uranium mining wastes. P53 gene was found to be significantly up-regulated in the liver of those organisms and SNPs in the Rb gene were also detected in the kidney.
Our results showed that uranium mining wastes caused serious DNA damage resulting in genomic instability, disclosed by the significant increase in DNA strand breaks and P53 gene expression disturbance. These effects can have severe consequences, since they may contribute for the emergence of serious genetic diseases. The fact that mice are often used as bioindicator species for the evaluation of risks of environmental exposure to humans, raises concerns on the risks for human populations living near uranium mining areas."
18. Reportagem RTP Minas da Urgeiriça 2007
20. Portugals industri kulturarv
21. Uranium mining in Portugal: a review of the environmental legacies of the largest mines and environmental and human health impacts 13.3.2013
22. Portugal COMRSIN - Comissão Reguladora para a Segurança das Instalações Nucleares (Portugal)
08/2015 - First National Report by Portugal as Required under Article 14.1 of Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM
>> report
23. Uranium Mining in Europe Österreichicsches Ökologie Institut on behalf of Wiener Umwelt Anwaltschaft 2012. P. 14 om Portugal
21. Uranium mining in Portugal: a review of the environmental legacies of the largest mines and environmental and human health impacts 13.3.2013
22. Portugal COMRSIN - Comissão Reguladora para a Segurança das Instalações Nucleares (Portugal)
08/2015 - First National Report by Portugal as Required under Article 14.1 of Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM
>> report
23. Uranium Mining in Europe Österreichicsches Ökologie Institut on behalf of Wiener Umwelt Anwaltschaft 2012. P. 14 om Portugal
Tailings from uranium ore milling –
tailing ponds
"During uranium extraction enormous amounts of sludge tailings are produced: The sludges produced almost equals the amount of mined ores. When the ore grade is 0.1 %, than 99.9 % of ore needs to be disposed of after extraction.
Surface as well as underground mining but also In-situ leaching produce so called tailings. They are pumped into sedimentation ponds and several million tons of radioactive tailings are stored there. The waste sludge contains longlived decay products like Uranium and Radium and Thorium, which constitutes 85 % or the original radioactivity of the ore. In addition leftovers from Uranium and other heavy metals like Arsenic and leftovers from chemicals used during uranium extraction are still present. 20 Those tailings pose an enormous threat to the inhabitants of the surrounding area: seepage can contaminate soil, water bodies and drinking water. In particular sulfurous ores like pyrite produce sulfuric acid in the seepage water, which signifcantly increases the leaching of pollutants into the seepage water"
24. Peer-reviewed: En artikel der vurderes af uafhængige sagkyndige før den optages
"During uranium extraction enormous amounts of sludge tailings are produced: The sludges produced almost equals the amount of mined ores. When the ore grade is 0.1 %, than 99.9 % of ore needs to be disposed of after extraction.
Surface as well as underground mining but also In-situ leaching produce so called tailings. They are pumped into sedimentation ponds and several million tons of radioactive tailings are stored there. The waste sludge contains longlived decay products like Uranium and Radium and Thorium, which constitutes 85 % or the original radioactivity of the ore. In addition leftovers from Uranium and other heavy metals like Arsenic and leftovers from chemicals used during uranium extraction are still present. 20 Those tailings pose an enormous threat to the inhabitants of the surrounding area: seepage can contaminate soil, water bodies and drinking water. In particular sulfurous ores like pyrite produce sulfuric acid in the seepage water, which signifcantly increases the leaching of pollutants into the seepage water"
24. Peer-reviewed: En artikel der vurderes af uafhængige sagkyndige før den optages
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